Monday, January 28, 2008

So this is my humble attempt to finally do something worthwile. I have been given a enormous oppportunity...To completely make a 180 and impact people around me, at school, at home, in dating, in friendship. I am in no way, shape or form a biblical scholar or the best example of what a man of God should be. I am simply a young man, who wants to be a better version of himself for the Lord. This blog is not my way of giving advice, or to say "look at me I am a Christian". It is rather a method for me to reflect and hopefully may the impact I want to have. So, I am starting with the basics (not taking back prior commitments because they were meant at the time and still are). But I feel this is essential for progression, so with inspiration from other friends who have set so many examples for me I will give my daily accounts, triumphs and struggles in my walk with Him.

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